Monday, August 25, 2008

What's Next....

Hello all once more. We have been back in the states for two weeks now and I think we have finally adjusted to the time change and life in the U.S. again. We have had a very busy two weeks visiting family and waiting for Baby Claussen to be born!! Keira Grace was born 6 days after we got home and I have already been to Minneapolis to visit! We also spent a long week end at Lake Cochran celebrating my Dad's 60th birthday. He was pretty impressive water skiing--he even dropped one and slalomed for a little while!! Traig and I took a two day trip to Spearfish to look for a house and we were very excited to find one that should be a great fit for our family. Traig has taken a new job with a small I.T. firm in Spearfish and he has already put in a few days of work! We will be leaving in the morning as the kids start school on Tuesday. They are excited--Noah will be in Kindergarten so that is a bit unsettling for Mom!!

God has provided for us and we are once again reminded that God's plan is so much greater than what we could ever have planned for ourselves.

Grace and Peace,

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